One Piece Magazine Vol. 4 – Le figlie femmine di Big Mom


Dal nuovo e dal vecchio volume del Magazine ecco tutti gli sketch e le età delle figlie femmine di Big Mom ed un’altra sorpresa per voi…

Ecco degli spunti interessanti dai Magazine, nel vecchio Magazine erano apparsi gli sketch ed in quello nuovo abbiamo finalmente anche l’età delle figlie femmine di Big Mom.

Nel vecchio Magazine Vol. 4 viene inoltre mostrata un’immagine che ritrae Zunisha.

Leggi anche le informazioni del One Piece Magazine Vol.5

1st daughter: Compote, 49, Minister of Fruits
2nd daughter: Charlotte Monde, 47, Minister of Nuts
3rd daughter: Charlotte Amande, 47,
4th daughter: Charlotte Hachée, 47
5th daughter: Charlotte Effiler, 47
6th daughter: Charlotte Custard, 45
7th daughter: Charlotte Angel, 45
8th daughter: Charlotte Brûlée, 43

9th daughter: Charlotte Broyé, 43, Minister of Meringue
10th daughter: Charlotte Mash, 40
11th daughter: Charlotte Cornstarch, 40, Minister of Communication
12th daughter: Charlotte Mozart, 37
13th daughter: Charlotte Marnier, 37, Minister of Yeast
14th daughter: Charlotte Smoothie, 35, Minister of Juice
15th daughter: Charlotte Citron, 35, Minister of Eggs
16th daughter: Charlotte Cinnamon, 35

17th daughter: Charlotte Melise, 33
18th daughter: Charlotte Galette, 31, Minister of Butter
19th daughter: Charlotte Poire, 31
20th daughter: Charlotte Prim, 29
21st daughter: Charlotte Praline, 29, Minister of Design
22nd daughter: Charlotte Chiffon, 26, Minister of Puffs
23rd daughter: Charlotte Lola, 26, Former Minister of Chocolate
24th daughter: Charotte Marble, 25

25th daughter: Charlotte Myukuru, 25
26th daughter: Charlotte Mable, 25
27th daughter: Charlotte Joconde, 23
28th daughter: Charlotte Panna, 21
29th daughter: Chalotte Joscarpone, 20
30th daughter: Charlotte Nutmeg, 18
31st daughter: Charlotte Akimeg, 18
32nd daughter: Charlotte Allmeg, 18

33rd daughter: Charlotte Harumeg, 18
34th daughter: Charlotte Fuyumeg, 18
35th daughter: Charlotte Pudding, 16, Supplementary Minister of Chocolate
36th daughter: Charlotte Flampe, 16, Minister of Honey
37th daughter: Charlotte Wafers, 13
38th daughter: Charlotte Normand, 10
39th daughter: Charlotte Anana, 8


Nel Magazine vengono inoltre mostrate delle immagini su Zunisha.

One Piece Magazine Vol.4 – La Novel dedicata a Law

Puoi leggerla qui:  Novel Trafalgar Law: la storia del chirurgo della morte

Fonte: Oro Jackson

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